Calle 707-344-2327 Peter Ferrer Selling Homes Everywhere
So the housing market’s cooling down, is it a good time to buy? Consider this as an Example:
$400,000 at 6% interest rates for a home in today’s market.
$375,000 at 8% interest rates if homes go up but you have a higher monthly payment
$430,000 at 2% - 3% in interest rates go down
One of the main factor’s is what can you afford on a monthly payment.
Home prices have gone down but it was much needed.
If prices were to stay that low it would still be the same chaos as with multiple offers, houses being on the market less than 24 hours, lottery picks where you draw your name in order to get your offer considered, and investors taking over the market with cash offers.
There were also buyers going 10K over asking prices and waiving appraisals.
Now that the market is cooling down consider it like a sale or a sigh of relief.
If that big screen T.
or that new car you’ve been eyeing is selling at 20% discount for a limited time only, it’s pretty tempting.
Retired 20 years Air Force veteran and now Peter Ferrer selling homes everywhere!
Why should you buy a home?
- A home purchase is one of the best investments you can make
- You'll pay less taxes and save money
- Peace of mind of owning your own home (create your dream home, do what you want with your property)
- It's forced savings
- Have as many pets as you want or add your personal touch
- Build Equity (don't throw money away on rent, use this money to put towards your next home or big purchase)
- It's cheaper than renting
- You'll feel more secure (don't worry about being evicted)
- Monthly mortgage won't increase like your rent will
- You can take out a second mortgage for emergency
- Provide a more stable life for your children (stop moving)
- Use your investment (home) to make another investment
- You'll have something to pass on your children
Why should you sell a home?
- Your family is growing or shrinking.
Your plan on having more kids and need a home with more rooms or your kids are moving out and don’t see the need to have all those rooms.
- You’re not happy with you location.
Find something closer to work, school, or move closer to family and friends
- You’re changing jobs
- Your nearing retirement
- Your tired of the upkeep.
Sometimes having a large house can be overwhelming with all the cleaning and maintenance.
- You need more cash flow
- Your neighborhood is going downhill
- Your want a brand new, upgraded property.
Brand new homes, marble countertops, or stronger structure of a home.
- You have equity in the house and would like to cash that out and pay off other bills.
Peter Ferrer: 707-344-2327
follow me on Instagram: ferrer.
License Number: S.